Prescribed Burn Notice September 2, 2022
** Update: The weather was not right for this burn, so this did not occur on 09/2/22.
We are tentatively planning the prescribed burn on Schenck Forest tomorrow, Friday 09/02/22, around 1 pm. It will be approximately 9 acres, most likely on the longleaf stand on the corner of Reedy Creek and access road. Final decision will be made on Friday morning only.
Important Notes
- This is highly weather dependent and can change at any time.
- If you happen to be in the forest at that time, please pay attention to forest management personnel and avoid any trails within our work area.
- After the fire, we will be happy to discuss and answer any questions.
Prescribed burns on Schenck Forest have been performed in the past and are a useful tool in managing the forest for multiple benefits (research, recreation, wildlife, timber, aesthetics, etc.)
Prescribed Fire Overview
Prescribed fire is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel parameters to obtain specific management objectives; also known as “controlled” burning. Prescribed burning is a critical management tool that benefits North Carolina’s forests, wildlife and environment, and also helps reduce the impact of wildfire hazards. Prescribed fire is especially important in North Carolina due to the large amount of land lying in the Wildland/Urban Interface (WUI).
The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is the area where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland, forest or vegetative fuels. North Carolina has more WUI acres than any other state in the country and our growth increases this acreage every year.
The N.C. General Assembly recognized the importance of prescribed burning in the N.C. Prescribed Burning Act (GS 113-60.)
If you have any questions or concerns about prescribed fire please contact:
- John Sanders ( CNR Forest Manager
- Robert Mickler ( – Burn Boss, NC State
- Dr. Joseph Roise ( Professor of Forestry, NC State; Southern Fire Exchange